Welcome to the Ed and C.J. Angell 2009 Family Reunion Website!

This is the official site of the Ed and C.J. Angell Family Reunion, July 3-5, 2009, in Keystone, Colorado. Visit this site often for the latest updates and information on the reunion. Make plans now to attend. We look forward to seeing you in July!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Planning Committee Volunteers Still Needed!

Thanks to everyone for the enthusiastic response to my call for reunion planning committee volunteers. To date, here's the signup list:

FOOD (to plan meals on Friday evening and Saturday brunch)
Kristen (Pickering) Knee
Lesli (Pickering) Knee

Thanks to Kristen and Lesli for suggesting that we offer both meat (M) and vegetarian (V) meals. Please be sure to record your vote on the poll (at right) to give them a sense of the variety of options they'll need to provide!

FUN (to plan the "Angell Family Games" Saturday afternoon and other fun activities)
Kevin Angell
Jon Williams

Thanks to Kevin and Jon for volunteering to co-chair the Fun Committee. I'm sure this will ensure a good time is had by all!

FELLOWSHIP (to plan Saturday's "Angell Storytime" and Sunday morning fellowship)
Volunteers Needed!

To signup for a committee, please post a comment* below.

*Click on the word "comments" below (after "Posted by Daren Williams at..." This will open the comments page so you can read other people's comments. To post your comment, simply type your message in the box. You then have to select an option under "Comment as: Select profile..." If you don't have a Google acount, just select "Name/URL" towards the bottom and you will be prompted to enter your name (required) and a URL (optional). Once you have entered your name, hit the button that says "Post Comment." A box will then open that says "Word verification." Don't freak out here. All you have to do is type the word you see in the box and hit "Finish."


  1. As wife of one of organizers...I presume I will be "volunteering" in a lot of places at the last minute, so will hold out on offical sign up at this time!! ; )

    Leslie (the other one)

  2. Les, I'm sure we can find some things for you to do to keep busy!

